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sábado, 23 de junho de 2012

Quests de Lolosia - Parte 2

Eae pessoal! Bem, como devem saber, já existe um guia de quests de Lolosia, mas aquele é só das quests free. Então vim postar sobre as quests member. Continue lendo >>
Quests de Lolosia

Rakham's Quests

Shape of the Ship : Vá para estas salas:

Skeleton Crew, Skeletal Key : Mate o Undead Pirate até completar.

Undead Pirate:

Dead Journal : Vá para esta sala:

Sold Out : Mate x10 Undead pirate.

Undead Pirate:

Abandon All Rope... : Mate o Undead Pirate até completar.

Undead Pirate:

In The Drink : Mate x4 Undead Pirate.

Undead Pirate:

Bellow Decks : Mate o Capt. 000000Beard e clique em 14 barris nesta sala:

Capt. 000000Beard:

Blow Stuff Up! : Clique em x10 setas azuis e mate x10 Undead Pirate.

Undead Pirate:

Gold Ingot : Mate x10 Undead Pirate.

Undead Pirate:

Bolt of Silk : Mate x10 Undead Pirate.

Undead Pirate:

Pack of Spices : Mate o Capt. 000000Beard até completar.

Capt. 000000Beard:

Depois de completar essas quests você abrirá esse shop:

Weapons_Table.pngCutlass Calais membersmall.png1x Pack of Spices, 3x Bolt of Silk, 3x Gold Ingot
Weapons_Table.pngBladed Blunderbuss of Boom membersmall.png1x Blunderbuss of Boom, 6x Gold Ingot
Weapons_Table.pngCaptain's Cutlass of Boom membersmall.png1x Blunderbuss of Boom, 1x Cutlass Calais, 1x Pack Of Spices
Weapons_Table.pngBlunderbuss of Boom membersmall.png1x Pack of Spices, 3x Gold Ingot
Weapons_Table.pngHandCannon of the High Seas membersmall.png1x Looter, 10x Gold Ingot
Weapons_Table.pngLooter membersmall.png1x Pack of Spices, 5x Bolt of Silk, 5x Gold Ingot
Weapons_Table.pngMermaid's Hairpoon membersmall.png5x Pack of Spices
Armor_Table.pngLooter's Raiment membersmall.png3x Pack of Spices. 10x Bolt of Silk, 5x Gold Ingot
Armor_Table.pngPirate Renegade membersmall.png1x Looter's Raiment, 8x Pack of Spices
Helmet_table.pngBandana of Looting membersmall.png5x Pack of Spices 3x Gold Ingot
Helmet_table.pngPirate's Tricorn of Terror membersmall.pngBandana of Looting 2x Pack of Spices

Bom, é só isso gente. Até mais!!!

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